Top 6 Wholesale Distribution Trends for 2019


                 Soon we shall bid adieu yet another year and sing about not forgetting old acquaintances. But I’m sure many of you in the wholesale and distribution business are thinking: “What does 2019 hold for the wholesale and distribution industry?” Well, we sat down with our best customers. And we summarised their insights along with ours in this exclusive report.

EMERGE App has well over 1,000 users in 40 countries spread over 5 continents. Our customers run small and medium-sized businesses in all industries. They range from small-batch soap manufacturing to the distribution of sports car parts. So I think we’re well qualified to present a general outlook for the wholesale and distribution industry.

Unfortunately, much of the changes are factors caused by the escalating trade wars between the two largest nations in the world: the United States and China. Protectionism and tariffs are dated concepts that benefit no one. Nonetheless, we need to adjust to this new climate of trade for now.

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